Cuckooland's Core Values- as seen on our furry wall.
"Our Core Values"
We Deliver acts of WOWness
With Passion at our Core
We Pay it Forward
Whilst Being Humble
As we do More with Less
Building Relationships, Setting Goals and Celebrating Success
In a Positive, Determined and Inspired Way
We will strive to Make one small Improvement in our Lives Every Day
Whilst we Pursue Learning and Growth
Remembering that the Wise Prosper
And Realising that Life is a Work in Progress
No matter how Hard
Because Hard is good - Hard is Difficult to Copy
We will Bring all our talents to Work
With our Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds
To Strengthen our Crazy Team as we chase our Not So Crazy Dream
With Laughter, Thick Skin and a thank God for Friends and Family
Because it's Who We Are
It's our USP