Fun ideas to keep the kids occupied over the summer holidays
You’ve been to the beach, ticked off the zoo, and seen all the family flicks on Netflix or at the cinema… So now what?
With six whole weeks off school, it can be hard to think of ways to keep the kids entertained. And with the cost of activities during the holidays, planning days out can leave your finances a little worse for wear…
But with our fun tips, your kids can make the most out of the summer holidays at home. Whether they’re roleplaying on a rainy day, getting active in the garden, or whizzing around the block, here’s how your kids can enjoy every day during the holidays…

Recreate the beach with sand and water
When the sun’s shining, it might be tempting to grab your beach gear and head for a family day out by the sea. But we’re not all lucky enough to live near the coast – so it can be a costly (and tiring) venture for many of us.
Luckily, it’s easy enough to create a fun beach experience at home. With sand and water play tables, your kids can splash about or feel the sand on their toes without leaving the garden. Plus, playing with sand and water is great for developing motor skills and hand-eye coordination – so it’s perfect for keeping your little one’s brain active while they’re off school.
The pirate boat by Kid Kraft (below) is ideal for role-playing this summer holiday. Shaped like a ship, it’s also great for imaginative play – your little pirates will be totally immersed in their hunt for treasure or their adventure across the sea.
Transform the garden into a play area
If we’re lucky enough to enjoy dry weather over the summer (fingers crossed!), your back garden is the place to be. Kids can spend countless hours on a swing set or climbing frame – so if you’re working from home or busy around the house, it’s a great way to encourage kids to exercise (while leaving you to get on with your tasks!).
And it doesn’t need to be costly, either. With the Kid Kraft frame, your little monkeys can practise their climbing skills for as little as £9 per month.
The A-Frame Hideaway & Climber is another genius bit of kit from Kid Kraft. Doubling up as both a climbing wall and a den to hide away, kids can enjoy this frame in any weather. Whether they use the hideaway as a spot for exclusive picnics or a secret den, there’s heaps of ways to get the most out of this frame.
Set up role play activities
Role playing is an essential part of your child’s development. In fact, we talked about the importance of pretend play before – from boosting empathy to team working skills, a role-play game seriously helps your little one learn.
So if you’re looking for ways to keep kids occupied over the summer holidays, set up a role-playing activity. And whether your little one fancies themselves as a greengrocer or a mechanic, we have plenty of fun role-playing options to practise their skills.
Browse our range of role-playing toys here to find the perfect option for your little one…
Explore your local area
You don’t need to head on a day trip that’s miles away from home. In fact, the summer break is a great chance to explore what’s right under your nose.
It means you won’t need to spend heaps on costly parking or petrol. And it’s a great way to get your kids out in the open, enjoy some fresh air, and appreciate their local area. Whether it’s a stroll down the local canal, a nearby park, or a venture through the woods, you could be surprised at what’s within arm’s reach.
Do your kids get bored easily on a walk? A set of wheels can fix that – whether your kids are on a scooter, bike, or trike, it makes the walk much more fun for everyone involved. No more trailing feet or lagging behind!
Set daily challenges and goals
A lack of structure or purpose during the summer holidays can be tough on kids. Switching from a fixed routine of lessons to lazy summer days can mean kids feel restless.
That’s why it’s a good idea to give your kids something to work towards or focus on each day. For example, this could be a daily walking or cycling goal, a drawing challenge, or reading list. As the summer holidays begin, you and your kids could create a list of fun goals, and aim to tick them all off before school starts again.
Or why not challenge your kids to master a new skill over the summer holidays, like learning an instrument or becoming a trampolining champion?
Make a fort or hideaway den
When the weather isn’t on our side, it can be harder to find ways to keep the kids occupied over summer. So it’s essential to create a ‘rainy day’ spot where your kids will be more than happy to hunker down indoors.
Building a makeshift fort is a great way to pass the time and create a spot to get cosy. With fairy lights and soft blankets, your kids will happily settle down to colour in, read a story, or watch movies.
Or, if you fancy something more permanent, you could pop a tent or teepee in your little one’s room. This will save you from having to get creative and build a den every time it rains – which, let’s face it, will be a lot!
Get a fun bed for rainy days
Instead of creating a den or getting a tent, why not kill two birds and get a bed with a fun hideaway?
With a fun secret den beneath the bunk, this mid sleeper (below) offers up a ready-made hideaway for rainy day activities. It’s the perfect spot to get out that bucket of LEGO or have a top-secret teddy bear’s picnic… And with a built-in slide, your kids won’t miss the park on a rainy day!
Get ready for summer fun with Cuckooland
As the summer holidays roll around again, make sure you’ve got everything you need to keep the kids entertained. Whether it’s an indoor play tent or outdoor play equipment, we’ve got you covered – rain or shine.
Head over to our kids’ outdoor play section or range of toys to get started. And if you’d like to talk about our products, get in touch on +44 (0) 1305 231231 or send us an email.