The Ultimate Sleep Guide for 2-3-Year-Olds

We know that bedtime with headstrong toddlers can feel like a constant battle, and your success rate at getting them happily into bed can vary wildly from one night to the next (nothing like being kept on your toes, right?)

As parents and kid’s bed experts, we’ve had our fair share of experience with bedtime routines and functional children’s rooms, and the good news is there are lots of things you can try to improve your little one’s sleep.

That’s why we’ve created this sleep guide for 2 – 3-year-olds, which includes our top tips for improving bedtime with your toddler – so they can sink into the sweetest dreams, and you can enjoy some precious alone time!

Jackson Toddler Bed

How Much Sleep Do 2 – 3-year-olds Need?

According to the NHS, most 2-year-olds need 11 – 12 hours of sleep per night. That leaves you with a couple of hours after they’re in bed to exhaustedly scroll through your phone looking at photos of the little darlings before you turn in for your own 8 hours!

Additionally, most children this age will have 1 or 2 naps throughout the day. By the time they reach 3 years old, they may drop the daytime naps and sleep for longer at night instead – although some children continue napping until age 5 and beyond.

It is important to remember that every child is different and their sleep patterns will change as they grow and move through different stages. Factors such as illness, teething, and the clocks going forward/back can affect how well and for how long a toddler sleeps (daylight saving time is the enemy of all parents!)

Best Beds for 2 – 3-year-olds

Between the ages of 2 and 3 is usually when a toddler will start to climb out of their cot. At this stage, it’s time to move them out of the cot and into their first ‘big kid’ bed.

We recommend choosing a bed with guards, or a floor bed for a toddler. A low-height bed means they will be able to get themselves in and out easily. This aligns with the popular Montessori method of education, as it will encourage independence and allow them to figure out the world around them for themselves.

They also won’t have far to fall if they roll out of bed in the night as they get used to their new sleep set-up. Our Nora Toddler Teepee Bed is an ideal choice for active sleepers – and it looks great too!

Nora Toddler Solid Wood Teepee Floor Bed

How Diet Can Affect Toddlers’ Sleep

Your toddler’s diet throughout the day can impact how well they sleep at night. Foods high in caffeine and sugar act as stimulants and can make it more difficult for kids to fall asleep. Avoid giving them fizzy drinks, sweets and sugary snacks, especially in the afternoon.

Large meals should also be avoided directly before bedtime, as this may disrupt sleep. Instead, you could offer your little one a lighter snack of ‘sleepy foods’, such as yoghurt, porridge and banana, or whole wheat bread with peanut butter. A cup of warm milk as a bedtime drink may also soothe them and encourage sleepiness.

Managing Bedtime Resistance

One of the biggest issues with toddler bedtimes is resistance – children rarely want to stop having fun and admit they’re tired and ready for bed!

Giving them control over some of the decisions leading up to bedtime might help. For example, let them pick the pyjamas they want to wear that night (we find options with their favourite Paw Patrol character are usually a winner!) and entice them with the prospect of a beloved bedtime story and a cuddle with you in bed.

Try to remain calm, patient and understanding, even in the face of resistance and tantrums. If you keep control of your emotions, it will be easier to keep control of the situation. You got this!

Casami Toddler Bed
Vipack Casami Toddler House Bed

Top Tips to Improve Toddler Bedtimes

  1. Have a consistent bedtime and avoid stimulating activities and screen time for at least an hour before.
  2. Establish a positive and consistent nighttime routine, including hygiene activities such as bathing and brushing their teeth. The Great Ormond Street Hospital advises that bedtime routines can begin anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours before it’s time to sleep.
  3. Make sure they have their favourite teddy (or unicorn/dragon!), familiar blanket, and any other comfort items with them.
  4. Ensure your child’s bedroom feels safe and soothing. This may involve an easily accessible toddler bed and/or one with rails to make them feel secure. You could also add an atmospheric night light to reduce nighttime fears (everyone knows monsters don’t like the light!)
  5. Use waterproof, hypoallergenic and breathable bedding, such as our Panda London bamboo bedding, to keep them dry and comfortable.
  6. Get them into bed and calm things down with a story read in a low, soothing tone.
  7. Help your little one get to sleep by encouraging them to close their eyes, take deep breaths, and visualise themselves drifting off to dreamland.
  8. If your child gets up, calmly take them by the hand and lead them back to bed, reminding them it’s bedtime now (we thank Supernanny for this one!) Repeat as many times as necessary.
  9. If they are anxious or agitated, console them with your presence and tell them you will stay in their room until they are asleep.
  10. Remember that every child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Be prepared to try multiple techniques until you find your routine. If things don’t improve and you’re still concerned about your toddler’s sleep, talk to your health visitor or doctor to put your mind at rest.
Oliver Furniture Wood Mini+

Ready to Catch those ZZZs?

Hopefully, by employing some of these tips, your toddler will be going to bed and sleeping better in no time. Of course, the number one lesson we’ve learned with kids is there are no guarantees, so if nothing seems to be working or they’re going through a sleep regression, just remember: you’re doing great, everything is a phase, and this too shall pass! If you have any questions about our nursery or kid’s furniture, get in touch on +44 (0) 1305 231231 or email We’re always happy to help!


With more than 10 years’ experience in providing advice and support to parents looking for their perfect kids bed, mother of 2, Nathalie Davis is passionate about helping children develop. In her role as Director of Product Procurement at Cuckooland, Nathalie has helped thousands of parents improve their children’s sleep and sleeping habits through the beds and mattresses she sources and the articles she writes. In her spare time she teaches her Golden Retriever to be a responsible vegetarian and is often spotted sifting through clothes at her local Charity Shops.

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