An Infographic Guide to Kid’s Storage Beds
Cabin Bed – A cabin bed is a bed with storage, usually raised more off the ground than a standard bed to incorporate space for the storage beneath it. The design is perfect for a small bedroom.
Trundle Bed – A trundle bed is an additional bed positioned underneath the main bed that can be used as a guest bed with a trundle mattress. It typically has a slatted base that the trundle mattress sits on.
Trundle Drawer – A trundle drawer is a pull-out drawer positioned underneath the main bed that can be used for storage. It typically has a solid base.
Ottoman Bed – An ottoman bed features a mattress frame that lifts up completely to utilise the entire space within the bed frame. An ottoman bed is perfect for storing spare bedding or other items out of sight.
Day Bed – A daybed has a surrounding back and sides to give the appearance of a long seat / simple sofa. Day beds can sometimes feature drawers underneath the bed and some day beds have built-in shelves around the top of the frame.
Mid Sleeper Bed – A mid sleeper bed (also referred to as a low loft bed) is typically lower in total height than a bunk bed but higher than a cabin bed. The space below a mid-sleeper is usually used as a play den area but can of course also be used for additional storage.
High Sleeper Bed – A high sleeper is similar to a bunk bed in height but tends to use the entire space underneath the bed as storage or space for a desk / workstation. Some high sleepers incorporate wardrobes, drawers and even sofas into the design.
Bunk and Triple Bunk Bed – Bunk beds and triple bunk beds can come with additional storage. Some bunk beds feature wardrobes, shelves and desks; which makes them perfect for a shared space.
Gaming Bed – Gaming beds are now a popular choice, especially for teens. A gaming bed often features a frame that is designed to incorporate gaming consoles and rigs which can save on bedroom space.